Pastor Ty Lewison is the Lead Pastor of Harvest Christian Center. Growing up, he served for many years in ministry in many different capacities: a worship leader, and youth pastor, amongst other roles. After years of serving, he realized serving with ones hands is not the same as serving with ones heart. To routinely volunteer time is not synonymous to growing in Christ. Obeying the call to Pastor, he established Harvest Christian Center to not only be a House of God, but a living organism a part of the body of Christ. His vision is to add souls to the kingdom and provide resources and platforms to G.R.O.W. God's people.

Pastor Rachael Lewison is the wife and co- Pastor to Pastor Ty of Harvest Christian Center. Pastor Rachael similarly to Pastor Ty, has experienced the difference between just serving and being devoted in ministry and growing in the Lord at the same time. Pastor Rachael grew a passion for strengthening God's daughters and established Her Heritage, a non-profit resource center for women in need of safe spaces to heal and come to know Christ. As an experienced fashion designer in the industry, she creates a bridge between the concept of style and Godly representation with innovative fashions that empower women to feel confident and beautiful without compromise. Pastor Rachael embodies all this as she inspires women through preaching and teaching the Word of God.

Stephen Wilson began His preaching ministry in 1992 , was licensed & ordained in 1997. Later, he received his MA in Theology and Doctor of Theology from Trinity Theological Seminary.
He lives by the conviction that unless believers invest themselves in worshipful study of the Scriptures, growing in Christ will be impossible. His mantra is "knowing God's blueprint is the key to knowing how to live victoriously." Dr. Stephen is the teaching Pastor at Harvest Christian Center and uses his Gift and passion to teach and preach God's Word.
Dr. Stephen Wilson
Teaching Pastor

Kienn Wilson, a mother of two boys and the wife to Dr. Stephen Wilson has over 15 years of ministry experience in biblical education. As a teacher, Kienn understands the importance of implementing a godly foundation for our youth within the construct of a healthy community of faith. Kienn is passionate about serving and is honored to lead Harvest "seeds" youth.
Keiann Wilson
Director of Youth
Education & Activities

Meet Brianna!
Brianna has been leading worship for over five years. At a young age, God called Bri to sing and write songs .
At Harvest Christian Center Bri uses her gift through prophetic worship to empower the body of Christ to grow in worship through singing and praising God.
Brianna Ortega
Director of Worship Arts